Okay, so since i wasnt using Dansgalaxy.co.uk for anything for anything i have been meaning to move the blog over from blog.dansgalaxy.co.uk to the proper domain for a while now, and i finally found the time!
So now its a shorter domain to get to my blog 😉
And no i didnt forget, i added the htaccess permenant redirect so all old links and everything should still work fine 😀 lol
After christmas, once i got my new laptop i will hopefully be launching the Five Awesome Web Geeks channel on youtube -> http://youtube.com/fiveawesomewebgeeks so hopefully you can find me and some other awesome geeks being geeky, and no doubt funny and random… so go and subscribe… even though there isnt any er videos er… yea im gonna get on that soon 😐
Also been twittering alot and seem to have people i dont even know following me now so join in stalk follow me 😉 -> http://twitter.com/dansgalaxy