Just a quickie.
Wondered what people think of the new theme im using on D-Blog, i quite liked it and it similar to what i hope to do when i find the time to create my own custom theme, so it will probably be based of this but instead have my own personal images stuck all over the background 😀
Gah horrible day today. Been moving stuff in and out of the loft and trying to get rid of some nasty malware which has got itself on both my Desktop and Laptop 🙁
Have to admit, i would love to know what and how it is doing what its doing, this little bugger is changing google results and swapping it with it’s own version, which redirects me to all sorts of crappy sites, and i also have something which causes multiple pop ups when using Google.
Annoying thing is last time i came across something like this it was on a friends PC, and it was just an IE addon, which after finding it, tracking the source and deleting it was pretty easy to clear up, but this clever sod is not to do with my browser, its bigger than that it effects any and every browser i use.
I am dying to find out how its working doing my nut in :/ I think it might be some how directing DNS requests to their server instead of my own pre-set ones (openDNS).
Anyway… its late and i have a nice scanner which looks like it will be running all night on my desktop pc… i hope this guy on this forum can help 🙂 they seem to know what they are talking about.
Night all 😉 … or should i say morning?