So literally only a few minutes ago a massive advert appeared on the YouTube homepage. Couple this with the country/language localisation selection box which seems to be stuck to the page no matter what I do this massive add now means i have to scroll a full page to view homepage content.
Now I am by no means a small minded ranter, i know Google has been in desperate need of a way to raise revenue from YouTube as it eats money like no bodies business – Its estimated YouTube sends a whopping 1 terabyte of data every single second, that’s around 858993459200 bits/second now consider this a high end server might have a 1Gbit card (google might have got high capacity transfer rate cards on there specialised custom web servers which they developed); so if we assume they are using a 1Gbit card on each server that still means they would need 858,993,460 servers! Naturally since Google own YouTube LLC they will share DCs but bottom line YouTube – Millions of USD pouring out in every possible direction with millions spent on bandwidth, power, engineers every hour you can see why its important to get some serious monetization out of the site, and i would guess Sony are lining Googles pockets very nicely for this very large very bold advert on their homepage, but i have to question, is this going to be beneficial in the long run?
Partners can have ads on their videos yet i am not in the habit to immediately click the X instantly, and they are little more than a annoyance.
And for me the same goes for the new big bad ad on their homepage, which just delays me getting to their most valuable asset. The Content.
So what do you think? Should YouTube start sticking large ads on the pages, or should they try more subtle routes of raising funds, maybe extending the buy functionality on music videos, such as adding more vendors other than iTunes! – Amazon maybe? Of course they could always try the possibility of opening up more features to normal users instead of just partners, if every video had adverts they could make a lot more money from the clicks…
Or maybe selling “bug” space on their video player, like on some TV stations where you have “BBC” in the corner of the screen; this is a perfectly workable model which YouTube could introduce where for example Nike’s tick logo shows in the corner of every video for a few days, massive advertising for Nike which would increase brand awareness and yet discrete advertising which doesn’t get in the way of what the user wants, the content, videos, users community.
Comments and thoughts appreciated, comment below send me a message anything you like always good to talk to people.
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