I have been lucky enough to play with Kinect a few times now, most recently at the#UKMSPMeetUp event on the 21st and it really is an incredible bit of kit – If you’re feeling generous, contact me and I’ll send you a postal address to send me one!
Now I am not much of a dancer. At all. Most would say I am horribly bad, I however – when alone in my room with no one home, my music blaring – think I am awesome, but there is always room for improvement and among other talents I’d very much like to have (but probably never will) which includes singing, playing guitar, being good at picking up cuties in the bar and having a social life which doesn’t involve social media being a good dancer is pretty near the top – after all… It’s one way to attract your future partner right?
Now I have played a few dance games in my life ranging from the PlayStation with a now archaic dance mat, to exercising/danceish games on the Nintendo Wii, but none of them can touch the awesome combination of XBOX 360 and Kinect.
The Kinect with its cool technology can map many points on your body and detect a huge array of data from your environment add this to a excellently made dance game and you have a winner, with Dance Central for the XBOX 360 you can dance, move, shake you hips, wave your arms, nod your head tap your foot and probably a whole lot more without even touching a the system directly because “You are the controller!”.
So whether you’re working your own moves, trying to get the upper hand on the dance floor, dancing on your own when no one can see (and probably keeping fit too as its a great work out!) or trying not to embarrass yourself with friends, Dance Central is a great game to pick up on boxing day!