I was supposed to write and post this a few days ago when it was more relevant but, its still at thing which bugged me and will come up again when YouTube next have maintenance time. So when YouTube put up their maintenance notice (shown below) in the evening on the 31st preparing to go…
Tag: YouTube
vLog: VEDA 1st April – Grr YouTube & LOL YouTube…
YouTube – Turn Down The Lights… Getting there!
So previously i made a post about YouTubes’ “Turn Down The Lights” feature, which when it was first online was very… very… very poor, now however i have noticed that the nerds at YouTube have obviously pulled their fingers out and got it sorted so it (almost) works as intended in all browsers. Now lets…
Google… WTF?! You’re Censoring me now?
Okay, I’m not happy. I was. Now I’m not. Google has removed ALL traces of my last post from their results, which is rather annoying as it was ranking nice and high for some good words, i was on the first page for the phrase “YouTube turn down the lights feature”, second page for “YouTube…
YouTube tries… and fails to add new features – Turn down the lights
I was just catching up on my YouTube subscriptions and stumbled across yet another, under tested (assuming it has undergone ANY testing) “feature”. “Turn down the lights” This only seems to show on the long videos, i noticed it on a 50 minute ofcom talk (don’t ask why, but i like to keep up with the…
iPod Touch or HD Video Camera?
Hmm okay, so i was saving up to get me an iPod Touch because they looked really cool and i liked the idea of having a nice handheld wifi device (i would use my twitter a lot more!) and I quite liked the idea of all the different apps, as well as having a better…
Youtube: An Insiders Guide to climbing the charts – Why can’t they teach like this?!
I brought Alan Lastufka (of FiveAwesomeGuys & fallofautumndistro) and Micheal W. Dean’s book – YouTube: An Insider’s Guide To Climbing The Charts. I haven’t yet finished reading it, I am just over a quarter way through it, but it is simply brilliant. It isn’t how it sounds just a book about getting high on YouTube,…
YouTube… When will you learn?
Okay, so I’m an avid YouTube user. I go on it every day watch 10-50 videos a day and use the site a lot. BUT it sucks. And it aggravates me so much that YouTube which is owned and operated by THE biggest and richest Internet corporation (Google) in the world, STILL has a site…
Blog now on Dansgalaxy.co.uk!
Okay, so since i wasnt using Dansgalaxy.co.uk for anything for anything i have been meaning to move the blog over from blog.dansgalaxy.co.uk to the proper domain for a while now, and i finally found the time! So now its a shorter domain to get to my blog 😉 And no i didnt forget, i added…
FiveAwesomeWebGeeks… Wanna Join?
Hello all, I decided to have a bash at a colaborative channel – called the FiveAwesomeWebGeeks! I hope the channel can become one of the greats on youtube and i hope i can try and make some decent videos! Lol so will need some practice and need to make sure the other awesome web geeks…