Okay this is one of my all time BIGGEST pet hates!
It really bugs me when i go to a website and see something like send me an email to MyWebsite@hotmail.com or another free email service, using your domain as an email address makes your site look a lot more professional, and can increase user trust.
It isnt hard, and you dont have to change you email there are a few different options you can do, forwarders, email accounts and using email accounts and forwarders combined with your free email provider.
Forwarders are very easy to set up, all you have to do is login to your cPanel, select forwarders enter a current email address and all mails is passed on (forwarded) to that account. EASY!
For a more detailed look at setting up email forwarders take a look at this article from the XDnet knowledge base: Setting Up Email Forwarders
Email Account:
This is simple, just create an email account and use it!
Nice and easy set up an email account find some email software you like and get going.
Learn more on how to create and email account
Learn more on configuring your software with your email account
Now many providers also enable you to both send email from hotmail which appears to come from forwarder, so when you set up a forwarder email, which directs mail to mywebsite@hotmail.com, you can recieve it but then also reply from you@mywebsite.com making you look all the more professional.
And for those of you would prefer your free email providers email interface, most will let you use your XDnet email account so you can send and receieve email from that.
Note: I will be writing a handful of tutorials on how to use XDnet services with your favourite free email providers and much much more, so check out the knowledge base!
It couldnt be easier! So please people. If you own a domain, USE IT, LOVE IT.