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Tag: google
Google Weddings
[ad name=”postsqrRight”]Google launched today which shows how their tools such as Google Sites, Docs and Picasa Web Albums can all be used to plan and organise your big day. This seems like a brilliant spark of genius from someone at Google, I am sure even if you haven’t planned one yourself, most can appreciate…
Review:–Come to my Viewing Party? is a nifty idea which solves the age old problem of sharing videos with friends online, and being able to follow it at the same time. This is a problem I can relate to a lot as I often find myself sharing a link and then struggling to watch it along with them and…
Google Says: Are you sure is what you want?
This is simply a post “for the lols” … Google isn’t sure if is what you want… What is?
YouTube: My Speed History
I came across a very interesting page on YouTube the other day which provides some incredible statistics for you’re video speeds when using YouTube. This provides some fantastically geeky data, you can see your average video speed over the past month (while using YouTube), compare your average to others in your location, country and the…
YouTube: New Pop Out Video Feature
So I noticed a shiny new feature the other day on YouTube, the ability to pop out the video or to “Watch this video in new window” on certain videos. Now so far the only video I have come across using this feature is a 1:05:37 long talk from Vint Cerf and amazingly, I have yet…
Google: This site may be harmful… o and this one… and this.
Admittedly i am a little late posting this, all the hard core bloggers got this out on the day. So yesturday someone at google made a “human error”… Unfortunately (and here’s the human error), the URL of ‘/’ was mistakenly checked in as a value to the file and ‘/’ expands to all URLs. Okay…
Hmm It’s Back on Google
Okay, so as you can see my last post was a rather poorly worded rant because my post about YouTube turn down the lights feature was totally removed from google. But now its back… and its 3rd position!! So yay… Thanks Google… still would like to know why it totally vanished for a day :s…
Google… WTF?! You’re Censoring me now?
Okay, I’m not happy. I was. Now I’m not. Google has removed ALL traces of my last post from their results, which is rather annoying as it was ranking nice and high for some good words, i was on the first page for the phrase “YouTube turn down the lights feature”, second page for “YouTube…
YouTube tries… and fails to add new features – Turn down the lights
I was just catching up on my YouTube subscriptions and stumbled across yet another, under tested (assuming it has undergone ANY testing) “feature”. “Turn down the lights” This only seems to show on the long videos, i noticed it on a 50 minute ofcom talk (don’t ask why, but i like to keep up with the…